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Rock Academy 


Swing City Music’s Rock Academy provides the St. Louis Metro East Area with a rock band experience for students to jam and learn to perform in a group setting with their fellow peers. The Rock Academy is a program for guitarist, bassists, drummers, keyboardist, vocalist, brass and woodwind players between the ages of 8-17. Students will have a great time learning how to rock in a knowledgeable and dynamic environment.


All students who enroll are placed in one of four skill categories: Beginners, Intermediate,  and Advanced.  Skill level for students is determined by a student skill evaluation with the teachers before the start of the semester.


At the end of the 12 week semester, the bands will perform a concert at a local venue.  We ask students to invite family, friends, and anyone from the general public to attend the concert the students have worked so hard on.  There will be various performance opportunities for the bands to perform in addition to the end of the semester concert.





December 12th: Rock Concert at Swing City Collinsville. 


January 5th: Winter Semester begins.


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